Current price is $2.50 per pound based on carcass weight (subject to change) plus processing. Appointments for butcher at our local meat locker in Blair, Wisconsin. Located one hour north of LaCrosse, WI and one hour south of Eau Claire, WI. Roughly 2 hours from the Twin Cities.
Our beef are born on the farm, raised by their momma on pasture until weaned around 6 months old and then fed a ration of hay and corn for the most efficient feed conversion. The corn and hay are all grown by us. They are a Limousin and Angus cross and are ready for butcher at around 1400 lbs, some smaller and some larger. It takes an estimated 18 months to get this size.
An estimated cost ends up being around $6 per pound
Nonrefundable deposits required.
Quarter of a beef ~ 210 lb carcass weight, yielding 120 lbs of meat
Deposit of $250, estimated total of $700
Half of a beef ~ 420 lb carcass weight, yielding 240 lbs of meat
Deposit of $500, estimated total of $1400
Whole beef ~ 840 lb carcass weight, yielding 480 lbs of meat
Deposit of $1000, estimated total of $2800
These weights are only estimates as each animal can have a different body type.
The market price is subject to change.